sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2015

Guess my Riddle...

In the class of Literature, we were asked to write a poem about what LOVE is. Here is my poem:

Have you ever felt it?
Have you seen it?
Have you heard about it?

It is a hug,
It is a kiss,
It is a message,
It is everything that make us happy.

You can feel it everyday,
You can´t buy it,
You can´t sell it.
It is easy to get it,
If you are ready.

We all know what it is,
Don´t you?
It starts with
the twelfth letter of the alphabet,
and it ends with the fifth.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Conociendo nuestro cuerpo

En la clase de Biología, estudiamos las distintas partes y cada función del sistema reproductor femenino. Luego, usando el programa THINGLINK intervinimos la siguiente imagen:

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

Proyecto: "Taller de Nutrición saludable desde la infancia"

En la clase de Construcción de la ciudadanía, junto a la profesora Paola Szerman, realizamos un proyecto para concientizar a los niños sobre la nutrición saludable que deben tener.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

City of Kabul

In what ways is the city of Kabul an illusion? 150 words

  • Use descriptive adjectives
  • Use connectors
At the beginning of the story, the city of Kabul is described as a magical and wonderful place. It is said that there are coloured, sparkling birds that sing beautiful melodies, magnific fountains. Furthermore, there are delicious fruits all over the place.

In addition, there are splendid gardens full of roses that release sweet perfume, and the sun is always shining like a golden coin.
However, when the girl visits that enchanting place, she realizes that instead of being a very nice place, it is disgusting.

Morever, the city is in ruins, it has been destroyed and it last all its beauty. The city of Kabul is shattered and broken.

As a conclusion, the city of Kabul was a myth, an illusion created by old tales. It is not amazing or incredible, it is a wrecked city.

Letter Writing

Whose responsability is it to prevent crime? Write a letter to the editor explaining your views give specific examples of what the police can do to protect themselves and their neigshtbour.

_ Start your letter, "Dear Editor"
_Use "useful expresions"

  • Introductory comments: 1
  • Agreeing: 3
  • Claryfing: 2
  • Explaining your views: 2

Dear Editor,
                    I am resident of Rivertown and I am really upset because of the recent incidents of burglary and car theft in my square. I would like to give you some piece of advice to improve the security in the neighbourhood.
To begin with, I would like to talk about what police officers can do. I fully agree with the idea of introducing more patrols in the streets, above all during nights. Also, a good idea is the installation of cameras in the street so, for this reason, they can protect many places at the same time. I am in agreement with organizing conferences, that is to say, that all the neighbours meet together with the police officers and talk.
To continue, I will talk about what citizens can do to prevent crimes. I fully support having alarms installed in our houses, in other words, to know if a burglary is breaking into our houses. Furthermore, installing railings is a really good idea, beacause of this, the houses are more procteted.
In my opinion, all these ideas are very useful to protect our neighbourhoods.
                                                             Felicitas Aguirre

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Essay writing

What do you believe is the most important modern invention? How has it affected our lives? What are its negative and posstives effects? (150 words). Use the useful expressions on page 67.

  • Contrast
  • Result 
  • Example 
  • Opinion
  • Addition of information
  • Opposing views
There  exist lots of new inventions that have affected our lives. Many people say that the television is one of the most important modern invention in the world. However, in my opinion, I think that the G.P.S is the best and most useful.
The G.P.S is a technological device that has affected our lives. In addition, people have stopped using the classic maps and they began to use it. Because of this, people stopped being crazy about dizzy maps. 
Some positive aspects are that navigating unfamiliar roads is much easier with G.P.S. Moreover, people can locate places where they want to go and one of the best positive aspects is that you can carry to lots of places.
On the other hand, the G.P.S has some negative aspects. For example, for old people this is very difficult to learn.
As a result, the G.P.S is an excellent technological resource for the people who like to travel a lot and very useful for the people who tend to be lost.
As a conclusion, the invention of the G.P.S is the most important modern invention because it has a
lot of positive aspects an make our lives more practical.

Review: "Oh romeo! Oh romeo!"

In the class of Language, we were asked to write a review about a play called "Oh romeo! oh romeo!", this play was created by students from Newlands school. 
  • In my opinion
  • Personally, I believed
  • From the artistic point of you
  • I don´t agree with
  • I´m against

Here is my review:

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015

Mati y sus mateaventuras

En la clase de TICX y de matemática leímos historias sobre las matemáticas en un blog. Luego elegimos una de esas historias y la editamos en Word, cambiando aspectos como alineación, espaciado entre párrafos, interlineado, etc. Trabajé con Camila P.

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

Proceso Creativo 2015

La siguiente presentación demuestra todos los trabajos que realizamos en educación artística junto a nuestra profesora Florencia Barletta.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

Esta en nuestras manos...

En Biología, resolvimos algunas preguntas a partir de la siguiente imagen:

El titulo del anuncio, "Esta en nuestras manos", quiere decir que es nuestra responsabilidad que este tema, de la enfermedad VIH, se difunda para evitar que muchas personas se contagien. Tambien, es decision nuestra ir al doctor para hacernos analsis y controles para evitar el contagio. 

Luego, realicé este collage a partir de las palabras mas importantes del anuncio anterior. Usando el programa TAGUL. Acá esta mi collage:

¡Llegemos a cero! ONUSIDA

En la clase de Biología, empezamos a hablar varios temas sobe la educación sexual. Entre estos, la enfermedad SIDA (VIH). Luego, vimos un video y a partir del video contestamos las siguientes preguntas:

¿Qué es ONUSIDA? ¿Cuáles son los objetivos que proponen?
¿A qué refiere el título de esta entrada?

El ONUSIDA es el Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH. Se estableció hace 15 años, en 1996, para dar respuesta y afrontar la enfermedad a nivel mundial. El programa tiene 3 objetivos; que el virus no se propague mas, que no se discrimine a las personas que tienen SIDA y que no haya mas muertes.
El titulo del video, "Lleguemos a CERO" significa que no haya mas discriminación, infecciones y sobre todo que no haya mas muertes.

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

Barreras Defensivas

En la clase de Biología trabajamos con un nuevo tema llamado "INMUNIDAD". Luego, buscamos información sobre las barreras defensivas y creamos un mapa conceptual utilizando Mindomo.

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

"Billenium", James Graham Ballard

In the class of Literature we read a book called "Billenium" written by James Graham Ballard. After making some activities, we were asked to creat a presentation in pairs. I worked with Camila Peralta. Here is my presentation:

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015

Focalización de "La aldea"

En la clase de Lengua miramos la película "La Aldea" y luego analizamos diferentes aspectos, por ejemplo, la focalización. Elegimos dos escenas y describimos que tipo de focalización poseen:

En este video se ve un fragmento de la película con focalización externa ya que no vemos a través de los ojos de ningún personaje:

Este fragmento muestra la focalización interna ya que vemos la película desde los ojos de Lucius y Noah:


martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015

Writting for him...

In the class of literature, we were asked to write a poem about my grandfather. I chose to write it about my grandpa called Toto. Here is my poem:

For my favourite Santa

Toto is like Santa,
He has a rounded tummy,
Boud head and white bear.
Two brown volcanoes on his face
That shine everyday.
Funny and charming he is all the time
And when I'm sad and lonely
He makes me smile.
Love and kisses is what he is
If I need something, here he will be.
He sounds like music for my heart
And when he hug me I'm so relaxed
You know who he is
He is my “GRAND" father,
Toto you see

Auditory image

domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015


En la clase de biología, empezamos un nuevo tema llamado "Inmunidad". La Inmunidad se obtiene por las defensas que tiene alguien o algo. Esta inmunidad se debe a la barrera que le ponen los glóbulos blancos a los germenes. Los glóbulos blancos pueden comerse estos germenes que son bacterias, virus u hongos o producir anticuerpos. Las vacunas tienen como pedacitos de estos germenes que generan que los glóbulos blancos produzcan anticuerpos y estos actuarían en contra de los virus y bacterias. La relación entre la inmunidad y el cuento "Mi cuarta septicemia" es que la historia cuenta la vida de unas bacterias que enferman y terminan matando a un doctor llamado, Foxterrier. Cuando el doctor se muere, ellas también lo hacen porque las bacterias necesitan de un organismo para vivir.

jueves, 16 de julio de 2015

Poniéndonos en acción...

En la clase de biología iniciamos con un nuevo tema llamado la "INMUNIDAD". Para entrar en tema, realizamos un glosario colaborativo virtual entre todos nuestros compañeros acerca del libro "Mi cuarta septicemia" de Horacio Quiroga. Cada uno debía elegir una palabra desconocida y buscar su definición, yo elegí la palabra "Quinina". Luego, realizamos una presentación sobre el autor del cuento, quien narraba la historia y palabras que no conocíamos. Acá esta mi presentación:

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

Material del futuro

En la clase de practicas de lenguaje leímos un cuento llamado "Cuánto se divertían". A partir de ese cuento teníamos que juntarnos en grupos  para realizar un invento que provenga del futuro. Acá esta nuestro invento:

El microondas es cuadrado, tiene un teclado y tiene un manija para abrir y cerrarlo de forma rectangular y de color blanca

Es un microondas del futuro que vos elegís la comida que deseas ingerir, cualquiera. El microondas te da un tiempo y lo hace, cada comida tiene un diferente tiempo para que se haga. Por ejemplo, la carne se hace en 3 minutos. Este es el microondas X3000:

Luego, tuvimos que escribir un diálogo entre una persona del presente y una del futuro. En la que la persona del futuro le cuenta de el material de esa época. Éste es mi diálogo:


Fernando: Persona del presente
Alison: persona del futuro con una mascota robot


FERNANDO: Hola flaca, ¿todo piola?
ALISON: Perdóneme, pero no logro comprender su vocabulario. ¿Ha dicho que estoy flaca?
FERNANDO: Pues claro señorita (con acento español) naa joda. Che, ¿no tenés hambre?, yo tengo una lija… Estaría copadísimo algo que fabrique el morfi.
ALISON: ¿Qué es eso de el “morfi”?
FERNANDO: Es comida piba, ¿No sabias?
ALISON: ah ya comprendo. Pero… ¿No conoces el microondas X3000? Es un microondas que fabrica el alimento que vos deseas.
FERNANDO: ¿Qué flasheas? eso no existe.
ALISON: ¿Flasheo? No te entiendo. Mirá aquí tengo el microondas X3000, escribe lo que quieras comer.
FERNANDO: ¿Cualquier cosa?
FERNANDO : (escribe pollo) wow, apareció un pollo. Que flashero. Que buen invento, pero… ¿Cómo conseguiste eso?
ALISON: Lo tienen todos, es el año 2592.
FERNANDO: ¿Qué? Yo me rajo, esta piba está tomada.

sábado, 11 de julio de 2015

Hitler´s Timeline

In the class of history, we read some pages in the history book about Hitler. After that, we were asked to create a timeline using My histro. Here is my timeline:

viernes, 10 de julio de 2015


In the class of Language, we studied how to write a Report. After that we were asked to create a Prezi about writing a report. I worked with Maite Abelleira. Here is my Prezi:

sábado, 4 de julio de 2015

Games at Twilight

In the Literature class, we read a book called "Games at twilight" written by Anita Desai. After that, we saw some aspects about the story, including themes, tones, etc. Then, we were asked to create a presentation in pairs about all the aspects of the story. I worked with Camila Peralta. Here is my presentation:


In the Language class, we studied how to write an essay. After that we were asked to create a popplet. Here is my popplet:

sábado, 27 de junio de 2015

La aventura de mi vida

En Practicas del Lenguaje leímos “Un veneno saludable” de Marcelo Birmajer. Luego de trabajar algunos aspectos del libro, por ejemplo los temas, twiteamos partes del libro que nos parecieron importantes utilizando el hashtag #UVNLS. Finalmente, usando Storify, recreamos la historia, usando las partes del libro ya existentes y partes nuevas que nosotros imaginamos.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Writing Practice: Story

In the class of Language we were asked to write a story that must start with this sentence: "I had never felt so nervous in my life".
We must use:
Here is my story:

I had never felt so nervous in my life. It all began, before my uncle´s birthday. I was having a bath in my parents´ bathroom meanwhile I was singing my favourite song happily.

Suddenly, I heard a loud song coming from the kitchen, I was very afraid, just then I listened to my mother shouting. Not long afterwards, I told myself to be brave and to get out from the bathroom.

Finally, without warning, I left the toilet. All of a sudden I walked along my house and I watched my mother tied on a chair, she tried to show me something but I couldn´t understand her. A little later, I saw a young men, he asked me for the money and jewelry. Eventually, I was frightened and I
couldn´t  understand why that was happening to me.

Quite unexpectedly the police entered the house and save us. When it was all over, my mother and I thanked the police. In the end, I was extremely shocked and nervouss, however we were alived.


In the class of Language we were asked to write about an ocassion when you learned something from watching or interacting with an animal using three metaphors. Aditionally, we could write a fable. Here is my fable:
The Tree and the Tortoise

In a summer day of January, a shiny golden coin was shining in the sky. The oldest tree of the forest was watching around the forest, its leave were shining like a green diamond. Suddenly he saw a tortoise playing. The tree asked the tortoise:
"Why are you playing instead of preparing yourself for winter?, all the animals are working on that, I recommend you to do the same."
"I don´t worry about winter, I will find food, get in yours!" The tortoise exclaimed.
And the tortoise continued playing.
Wind started to blow and all the animals went away home, but the old lady was looking for food. The forest was empty, and the tortoise realized that the ancient tree was right.
MORAL: "The oldest people are usually right"

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

Descubriendo Argentina...

En la clase de Geografía, investigamos los distintos paisajes de nuestro país, Argentina. Incluyendo sus climas y tipo de vegetación. Luego, a partir de la investigación, realizamos una presentación con los paisajes. Acá les presento la mía:

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Informal Email...

In the Language class we studied the theory and how to write an Informal Email. After that, we created a popplet in pairs about the theory. Here is the popplet:

After creating the popplet, in groups, we had to create an informal email. I wrote it with Victoria Redigo, Mia rinaldi and Camila Peralta. Here is the informal email:


I´m really good! I´ve been studying a lot recently!

How about uploading tips for students to be organized and to study correctly for exams? I think it would be cool if you include information about clubs, they can join for different school activities.

Of course I can help you, I've been attending some courses on Web-designing. We can choose together a template and a design for your blog.

There is no better place to buy a printer than "PrintOff". They offer a bunch of different printers from really cheap to expensive ones. Anyway, I would buy the HP Inkjeckt 1545 Series.

See you soon,

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015


In Language, we studied the theory of an ARTICLE and how to write it.  After that we created an infographic using Pictochart. Here is my infographic:

We were asked to look for an article online and after that we wrote a summary about it. Here is the article I found:

Here is the summary I wrote about this article:

   Solar Plane flies around the world
There are 2 pilots hoping to make history on the first-ever-solar plane. Those pilots are Betrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg, who are cofounders of a solar company.

The mission is to fly 35,000 Km around the world without using any fuel. They will have stopovers in India, Myamar and China, to finally arrived in Abu Dhabi.

The plane, has the weight of a family car. This plane is expected to return by late july. This journey will span aproximetly 25 flight days with speeds between 30 and 60 miles per hour.

After that we were asked to write an article about Learning a Foreign Language. We have to use and mark Five connectors. Here is the article:

Do you think learning a foreign language is useful? Although it takes a lot of time and hard work, it is very useful.
   One of the main advantages of learning a forign language is that it improves your communication, for instance you can find your way around un other countries, make friends and understand what they are talking about.
   On the other hand, it can open more opportunities such as having a better CV and therefore, having better job opportunities. Furthermore, you can watch movies in other languages and understand them, you can also read books in the languages they were originally written.

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

Impacts of the First World War...

In History, we studied the different impacts of the First World War. After that, we were asked to create a poster about it. Here is my poster:

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Central Nuclear Embalse...

En Físico química estudiamos las diferentes centrales nucleares en nuestro país. Luego, en grupos realizamos una presentación sobre las centrales. Nosotros realizamos la presentación sobre la central nuclear Embalse. Acá esta la presentación:

Huesos Intervenidos...

En la clase de Biología estudiamos las partes de un hueso largo, y luego en el laboratorio observamos un fémur de vaca fresco en grupos. Tomamos fotografías y luego las intervenimos utilizando Skitch, marcamos las diferentes partes observadas.
Aquí hay una presentación mostrando nuestras intervenciones:

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015


In language, we learned how to write a story, after that we created a chart about the different characteristics the "STORY" must contained. Here is the chart:

After making the chart, we were asked to write a story. The story had to been started with a prompt sentence, "Mark couldn't believe his good luck". We must use and underline:
_ Five connectors
_ Three sequence markers
_ Two examples of direct speech

Here is the story:
Mark couldn't believe his good luck. First, he entered the restaurant and he heard an old man telling him:
"Congratulations! you are the 500 visitor to my restaurant".
"Sorry, I don't understand" Mark exclaimed
"You have won a trip to Africa!".
He was surprised since he had never won anything in his life.
That night, he returned to his house. However, he didn´t sleep all night, thinking and thinking about the trip.
Consequently, the morning after, he went to work tired in bad mood. Furthermore, the only subject he had in his mind was the wonderful trip he won. So, when the work time expired he ran home and started to plan the journey. In two days he had everything ready. Then, the only thing he had to do was to expect for departure.
Finally, the day arrived and Mark was very excited. Therefore the plane staff offered him chocolates and some drinks. As a result, in a few minutes he fell asleep.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

The Ku Klux Klan

In history we had to create a presentation about a topic we studied last year. In group, we decided to make it about the ku klux klan using Bubbl.

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

Empezando el año con energía

El siguiente cuadro muestra diferentes temas de los que veremos este año en la clase de biología junto a la profesora Graciela Catalá.

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

¿Qué es la poesía visual?

La poesía visual es una representación de la palabra, utilizando imágenes, formas, colores, tamaños. La obra que elegimos es una poesía visual porque transmite un doble significado de la palabra representándolo con un objeto: La cinta. Esta obra trata de comunicar que los errores son comunes, de hecho la obra contiene un "error". Nos impactó la original forma en que fue representada.

Realicé este trabajo junto a Camila P., Victoria R., Lola L.