jueves, 18 de junio de 2015


In the class of Language we were asked to write about an ocassion when you learned something from watching or interacting with an animal using three metaphors. Aditionally, we could write a fable. Here is my fable:
The Tree and the Tortoise

In a summer day of January, a shiny golden coin was shining in the sky. The oldest tree of the forest was watching around the forest, its leave were shining like a green diamond. Suddenly he saw a tortoise playing. The tree asked the tortoise:
"Why are you playing instead of preparing yourself for winter?, all the animals are working on that, I recommend you to do the same."
"I don´t worry about winter, I will find food, get in yours!" The tortoise exclaimed.
And the tortoise continued playing.
Wind started to blow and all the animals went away home, but the old lady was looking for food. The forest was empty, and the tortoise realized that the ancient tree was right.
MORAL: "The oldest people are usually right"

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