viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

City of Kabul

In what ways is the city of Kabul an illusion? 150 words

  • Use descriptive adjectives
  • Use connectors
At the beginning of the story, the city of Kabul is described as a magical and wonderful place. It is said that there are coloured, sparkling birds that sing beautiful melodies, magnific fountains. Furthermore, there are delicious fruits all over the place.

In addition, there are splendid gardens full of roses that release sweet perfume, and the sun is always shining like a golden coin.
However, when the girl visits that enchanting place, she realizes that instead of being a very nice place, it is disgusting.

Morever, the city is in ruins, it has been destroyed and it last all its beauty. The city of Kabul is shattered and broken.

As a conclusion, the city of Kabul was a myth, an illusion created by old tales. It is not amazing or incredible, it is a wrecked city.

Letter Writing

Whose responsability is it to prevent crime? Write a letter to the editor explaining your views give specific examples of what the police can do to protect themselves and their neigshtbour.

_ Start your letter, "Dear Editor"
_Use "useful expresions"

  • Introductory comments: 1
  • Agreeing: 3
  • Claryfing: 2
  • Explaining your views: 2

Dear Editor,
                    I am resident of Rivertown and I am really upset because of the recent incidents of burglary and car theft in my square. I would like to give you some piece of advice to improve the security in the neighbourhood.
To begin with, I would like to talk about what police officers can do. I fully agree with the idea of introducing more patrols in the streets, above all during nights. Also, a good idea is the installation of cameras in the street so, for this reason, they can protect many places at the same time. I am in agreement with organizing conferences, that is to say, that all the neighbours meet together with the police officers and talk.
To continue, I will talk about what citizens can do to prevent crimes. I fully support having alarms installed in our houses, in other words, to know if a burglary is breaking into our houses. Furthermore, installing railings is a really good idea, beacause of this, the houses are more procteted.
In my opinion, all these ideas are very useful to protect our neighbourhoods.
                                                             Felicitas Aguirre

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Essay writing

What do you believe is the most important modern invention? How has it affected our lives? What are its negative and posstives effects? (150 words). Use the useful expressions on page 67.

  • Contrast
  • Result 
  • Example 
  • Opinion
  • Addition of information
  • Opposing views
There  exist lots of new inventions that have affected our lives. Many people say that the television is one of the most important modern invention in the world. However, in my opinion, I think that the G.P.S is the best and most useful.
The G.P.S is a technological device that has affected our lives. In addition, people have stopped using the classic maps and they began to use it. Because of this, people stopped being crazy about dizzy maps. 
Some positive aspects are that navigating unfamiliar roads is much easier with G.P.S. Moreover, people can locate places where they want to go and one of the best positive aspects is that you can carry to lots of places.
On the other hand, the G.P.S has some negative aspects. For example, for old people this is very difficult to learn.
As a result, the G.P.S is an excellent technological resource for the people who like to travel a lot and very useful for the people who tend to be lost.
As a conclusion, the invention of the G.P.S is the most important modern invention because it has a
lot of positive aspects an make our lives more practical.

Review: "Oh romeo! Oh romeo!"

In the class of Language, we were asked to write a review about a play called "Oh romeo! oh romeo!", this play was created by students from Newlands school. 
  • In my opinion
  • Personally, I believed
  • From the artistic point of you
  • I don´t agree with
  • I´m against

Here is my review:

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2015

Mati y sus mateaventuras

En la clase de TICX y de matemática leímos historias sobre las matemáticas en un blog. Luego elegimos una de esas historias y la editamos en Word, cambiando aspectos como alineación, espaciado entre párrafos, interlineado, etc. Trabajé con Camila P.

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

Proceso Creativo 2015

La siguiente presentación demuestra todos los trabajos que realizamos en educación artística junto a nuestra profesora Florencia Barletta.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

Esta en nuestras manos...

En Biología, resolvimos algunas preguntas a partir de la siguiente imagen:

El titulo del anuncio, "Esta en nuestras manos", quiere decir que es nuestra responsabilidad que este tema, de la enfermedad VIH, se difunda para evitar que muchas personas se contagien. Tambien, es decision nuestra ir al doctor para hacernos analsis y controles para evitar el contagio. 

Luego, realicé este collage a partir de las palabras mas importantes del anuncio anterior. Usando el programa TAGUL. Acá esta mi collage:

¡Llegemos a cero! ONUSIDA

En la clase de Biología, empezamos a hablar varios temas sobe la educación sexual. Entre estos, la enfermedad SIDA (VIH). Luego, vimos un video y a partir del video contestamos las siguientes preguntas:

¿Qué es ONUSIDA? ¿Cuáles son los objetivos que proponen?
¿A qué refiere el título de esta entrada?

El ONUSIDA es el Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH. Se estableció hace 15 años, en 1996, para dar respuesta y afrontar la enfermedad a nivel mundial. El programa tiene 3 objetivos; que el virus no se propague mas, que no se discrimine a las personas que tienen SIDA y que no haya mas muertes.
El titulo del video, "Lleguemos a CERO" significa que no haya mas discriminación, infecciones y sobre todo que no haya mas muertes.