My name is Emily and I am nineteen years old. My mother wanted me to be the prettiest girl in town and as a result I have participated in all the beauty contest all around the country, and I love them. Today is the most important contest in my life, “The National Supreme Beauty Award 2014”. I am really nervous, there are lots of beautiful girls that can win.
But my mother and I have an excellent plan to carry on, it consists on tearing apart all the clothes and on hiding all the make up of the most beautiful girls in this contest.
It´s time to start with the plan. I am ready to do whatever necessary to win this contest. But first I will go to the wardrobe to relax myself.
I am hiding in the wardrobe because I am feeling so strange at this moment. I am feeling sick, my head is spining around... AH! My skin is all cover with blue plumage, I have a large beack, my hair is falling down and I only have few of them. My body is becoming smaller, What is happening to meejkullkjjjjhhh........?
I have no voice. I need a mirror, who am I? Oh NO!! I am an animal, I am a Peacock.
(Making strange sounds as a pig ) oooohhhh oink oink ohhhhhhhh.
Now I will show you my perform:
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