lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Run as fast as you can

In the subject LL writing we are working with short stories, so the teacher proposed us to make one of it. We thought some ideas to write it, until we choose one of those ideas and we started to write. The story I wrote is called "Run as fast as you can" and my story have to finish with the sentence, "that was the last time he ever saw them". Here is my story:

One day, Jimmie woke up in a place he didn´t know. He didn´t remember anything. He was very scared, so he started to walk. When he was walking he saw some men running to him, so he started to run very fast until he stumbled on a branch. Jimmie was desesperated so he started to say:
"I am a victim, I don´t remember anything, please! don´t kill me".
"Oh! look Rob, he is a victim of the NTVD, like us", said Tom.
"That´s true Tom", said Rob
"What´s happening? I don´t understand anything", wondered Jimmie.
"Are you sure that you don´t remember anything?", asked Rob.
"I am trying to remember something, but my mind is all white", exclaimed Jimmie.
"Okay, you need to sleep and to relax, then we are going to speak about this", said Rob.

After an hour, Jimmie woke up so he went to talk with the men:
"Please, can you tell me where I am?", asked Jimmie.
"We are going to explain it to you", exclaimed Christian.
"We are five men that for one year and a half we were victims of the NTVD", told Lamark.
"And what is this place?" wondered Jimmie.
"NTVD, it´s a company who steals boys who are seventeen years old, they clean their minds and they lock in a labyrinth without an exit to investigate them" said Rob.
"They are so cruel! and, which are your names?" exclaimed Jimmie.
"Tom, Rob, Christian, Lamar and Tris" told Tom.
"Nice! my name is... mmm.... I don´t remember" said Jimmie
"We will call you Jimmie", all the men said.

One day later, Jimmie was thinking and he remembered one thing. When he was little he drew lots of mazes and his grandpa told him that every maze has an exit. He decided to find an exit in the maze because he wouldn´t stay in this labyrinth. Later, he went to talk with the other boys. Jimmie  asked them if they wanted to find an exit with him, all the boys were scared but they wanted to escape the maze. Everyone accepted except for Rob, the leader.
The following day, they were prepared to go out from the middle of the maze, so he started to walk. They were frightened but Jimmie encouraged them. Two hours later, they hear a strange noise, it was a strange cat. All the boys went to caress the cat, but a noisy alarm started to sound and the cat started to hurt all the boys so they ran away.
Fortunately, no one died. Then Jimmie saw a long tunnel, so he started to hear that alarm again and there were lots of those strange cats running at them very quickly.
Luckily, Jimmie saw a door in the roof, it was the exit! everyone was alive and very happy tey went to their houses and that was the last time he ever saw them.

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