jueves, 16 de mayo de 2013

Informal letter

Dear  john,
                         I’m writing this letter because I need to tell you that I killed Mr Hyde but please don´t tell anybody. If not, I have to go to prision. That´s why I escaped to África.
I know that now you are asking why I killed Mr, Hyde, so I´m going to answer: I killed him because he was talking alone and he started to throw all the things to the floor and he threw the picture of my grandpa that costs 100.000.000  pounds. He was getting crazy.
At that time I was very happy about what I do, but when I was escaping, I discovered that I killed Dr, Jeckill too, because Mr, Hyde and Dr, Jeckill were the same person.

I don´t know what I do, can you help me? And I trust that you aren´t going to tell to anybody!!

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